That Girl Lay Lay is lighting up the Netflix top 10s with it's debut season

How well has That Girl Lay Lay performed on Netflix?

Thanks to FlixPatrol data, we can look at how well the series has been doing since its January 2022 premiere on Netflix.

The series is eligible for featuring in 3 Netflix top 10 lists including the overall top 10, TV top 10s and the kids top 10. So let’s break down how well the show is doing as of January 28th:

  • It’s featured in the overall top 10s in two countries for 5 days including South Africa and the United States.

  • It’s featured in the TV top 10s in 16 countries including the two mentioned above plus South Korea, South Africa, and others.

  • It’s featured in the kids top 10s in 22 countries including India, Brazil, Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, New Zealand and others.

On Instagram, Alaya celebrated the success of That Girl Lay Lay in the Netflix top 10s with an Instagram post that states: “Come on y’all keep me and my beautiful TV family in the Top 10!!! If you haven’t already watched #TGLL on @netflix GO GO GO!!!! Thank you thank you for all of the love and support!!!”

Executive Producer Will Packer on Facebook

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